Receiving Transaction Rates
- Creating a Rate for After-Hours Receipt of Devan Inbound 20' Containers
- Creating Rates for Inbound Devanning: 20', 40', and 45' High Cube Containers (Multiple Conditions)
- Creating a Rate for Inbound Receiving Excess Weight Fee
- Creating a Rate Based on Unique Lot IDs
- Creating a Rate Based on Unique SKUs Shipped
- Creating a Rate Based on Unique Location
- Creating Rate Based on Quantity of Lot with Volume Tiered Rate
- Creating a Rate Based on Quantity of Location with Standard Tiered Rate
- Creating a Rate for Storage Upon Receipt per Carton Using a Split Rate
- Creating a Smart Rate for Devan Inbound 20’ Container
- Creating a Standard Warehouse Inbound Receipt Rate
- Creating a Weekend Receipt Charge Rate
- Creating a Rate for Inbound Pallet Fee Based on the Number of Pallets
- Creating a Rate to Charge for a Partial Pallet Based on Movable Unit Types
- Creating a Rate for Primary Unit vs Packaging Unit vs Pallet
- Creating a Rate for Inbound Pallets with Multiple Movable Unit Types: Rounding Up Movable Units by Quantity
- Creating a Rate for Movable Units Based on the Number of Pallets
- Creating a Rate for Storage Upon Receipt by Movable Units Using a Split Rate
- Creating a Rate Based on Total Weight
- Creating a Rate for an Inbound 20' and 40' Floor Loaded Containers Based on Carton Count
- Creating a Standard Tiered Rate for Each Pick
- Creating a Rate for Inbound Pallet Fee based on Unique Movable Unit
- Creating a UOM Count Rate for a Receipt or Shipment