Brightpearl Integration Settings
This article discusses the definitions used in Brightpearl integration for Warehouse Manager
- Extensiv Warehouse Manager (WM) – formerly known as Scout topShelf.
- Brightpearl (BP) – The Order Management / eCommerce system we are connecting to.
- Goods-Out-Note (GON) – The underlying order object that orders in Brightpearl are based off. BP orders will have a GONid and an OrderId.
- Goods-In-Note (GIN) – The BP object used to receive on sales credits or POs.
- Transfer Order – A BP process of transferring inventory between two warehouses.
- Reverse Transfer Order – A type of transfer order — see Details section.
- Warehouse – A physical location that houses inventory–may contain subdivisions.
- Shipping Direction – There are three options set in that determine whether orders are marked as shipped in Warehouse Manager, marked as shipped in Brightpearl, or are able to be marked as shipped in both (least recommended option).
Virtual Warehouse – Any non-warehouse type in Brightpearl
- Sometimes a customer could refer to their virtual warehouses as ‘stores’. A store is what WM considers a Virtual Warehouse but a Virtual Warehouse is not necessarily a store.
- Point of Sale (POS) – Some customers have ‘storefronts’ which they want to handle within WM but with automated processes.
- Standard Integration Sync – Every ten minutes, a list of licenses that are both active and not currently running kicks off a new integration cycle. High volume customers may take 10 minutes or longer to finish; most however complete within 4-5 minutes.
BP→WM Webhooks – Currently exist on a function app in azure. This function app receives messages from the WM mobile application and Brightpearl’s webhooks. Has two functions:
- Receives GON updates from BP.
- Receives a message from WM Mobile in real time that an order has been ‘Packed’ and updates the GON Status to match in Brightpearl.
- GON Status – GONs have a status independent from the parent SO. They have a Print, Pick, Pack, and Ship options.
- Order Status – Order Statuses relate to a dropdown of different configurable statuses on the BP order. These are independent from the GON statuses and MUST match verbatim between what is entered in the license at
- Cost Code – A component of the part record that Brightpearl uses for financing.
- Refers to an inventory measure put in place in-order-to prevent extra adjustments taking place due to timing issues.
- Essentially, the moment a SKU is picked or received the SKU is flagged as locked by the order it is on.
- The SKU becomes ‘unlocked’ when THE INTEGRATION (an important distinction) fulfills the GON on the said order or creates a Goods In Note for receiving.
- The SKU additionally can become unlocked during the integration’s ‘Cleanup Bad Data’ stage if there was a workflow issue involved.
Upsert – Refers to the integration updating data that exists, or inserting data if it doesn’t exist.