Navigating Wave Picking
Navigating Wave Picking
Under the Orders tab in the admin console, you will see a 'Wave Picking' section in the left-side navigation bar.
In this section you will see the following categories:
- Wave Management - This section is used to view your waves after they have been created
- Create Waves - This is the section used to create your waves from your existing order views
- Automation - Set up automation to automatically create waves from your order views
Order Views for Wave Picking
By default, Warehouse Manager provides a few basic Order Views. These Order Views are a great starting point to create waves, or you can create your own view from scratch. Like Inventory Views, you can create Order Views to get a picture of orders in a specific status, filtered a certain way, with a set number of line items, etc. For more information, see our help center article on Views.
Standard wave order views include:
- Specific shipping carries/ service on orders
- Single Item Orders
- Best Sellers/Fast-Moving Items