Receiving Overview
Receiving Overview
Receiving in Extensiv Warehouse Manager refers to receiving inventory against an existing receiving transaction in Warehouse Manager. There are other ways to enter inventory into Warehouse Manager, but using a Receiving Order to receive against gives the most detail. A typical receiving process is as follows:
- Receiving Order created in Warehouse Manager(created manually or synced from another application via integration)
- Receiving Order document printed (optional)
- Once inventory arrives in the dock, the user opens the Receiving order on the handheld device or mobile app to begin receiving
- Inventory is placed into a bin on the receiving dock via the scanner / mobile app.
- Bin Move / Put Away used to move the inventory from the receiving dock to the shelf location (bin)
This process may vary from company to company. There are 2 modes to receiving on the Device / Mobile. See the Receiving Modes topic for more information.