Understanding Common EDI Errors
This article reviews the most common issues users experience when attempting to export/import orders.
Error Message 1
Error parsing or creating items. File item 139.txt : System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Exception: The SKU you specified (PP83439-NVY) is already being used for an existing item.
at ViaSub.WMS.WebServiceTier.ItemDescriptionMethods.Create(CustomerDataSet ds, SqlConnection conn, IContext context, ItemDescription pItemDesc, Int32 tplid, Int32 userLoginId)
at ViaSub.WMS.WebServiceTier.Service.ItemDescriptionsCreate(UserLoginData userLoginData, ContextData contextData, ItemDescription[] items)
at ViaSub.WMS.WebServiceTier.Service.CreateItemsFromString(UserLoginData userLoginData, Int32 customerID, Int32 facilityID, Int32 orderFtpID, String docIn, Int32& moduleID)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
You are trying to create a new item with a SKU that already exists.
The file is trying to create a new SKU using a value that already exists in the system. This is often caused when old files are not removed from the FTP site or when you submit the same file multiple times by mistake.
Delete the file from the FTP, then resubmit any of the SKUs that do not already exist for the customer.
Error Message 2
FileName - TALEO-Fullfilment-House-20140630T134836.csv; Error - System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Exception: The specified Country: 'IND' does not exist. From transaction:<ReferenceNum>8915789</ReferenceNum>
at ViaSub.WMS.WebServiceTier.OrderMethods.ValidateTrans(XmlDocument wtDoc, CustomerInfo ci, Facility fac, Carrier[] carriers, CodeDescrPair[] countries, Hashtable scacCodes, Hashtable scacToCarrier, Hashtable servicesMap, CodeDescrPair[] billingCodes, Hashtable statesByCounty, Dictionary`2 facilityMap)
at ViaSub.WMS.WebServiceTier.OrderMethods.ValidateTransDocs(XmlDocument[] wtDocs, CustomerInfo ci, Facility fac, Carrier[] carriers, CodeDescrPair[] countries, Hashtable scacCodes, Hashtable scacToCarrier, Hashtable servicesMap, CodeDescrPair[] billingCodes, Hashtable statesByCounty, Dictionary`2 facilityMap)
at ViaSub.WMS.WebServiceTier.Service.InternalParseAndValidateOrdersFromString(UserLoginData userLoginData, Int32 customerID, Int32 facilityID, Int32 moduleID, String docIn, Boolean determineAvailability)
at ViaSub.WMS.WebServiceTier.Service.CreateOrderObjectsFromString(UserLoginData userLoginData, Int32 defaultCustomerID, Int32 facilityID, Int32 orderFtpID, String defaultDocIn, Int32& moduleID, Package[][]& groupedPackages)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
You are trying to create a new transaction with an invalid country field.
3PL Warehouse Manager requires state and country values for ship-to, bill-to, and sold-to addresses.
Delete the file from the FTP, then resubmit with the proper state and country values. Click here for our full list of supported country and state codes.
If you are shipping internationally and need to use the State field, place the value of the state in the City field—e.g., City, State in the 'City' field.
Error Message 3
FileName - 3.edi; Error - System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Exception: Invalid file type.
at ViaSub.WMS.WebServiceTier.Service.GetParsibleModuleID(UserLoginData userLoginData, Int32 customerID, String docIn, ImportExportDocumentType docType)
at ViaSub.WMS.WebServiceTier.Service.CreateOrderObjectsFromString(UserLoginData userLoginData, Int32 defaultCustomerID, Int32 facilityID, Int32 orderFtpID, String defaultDocIn, Int32& moduleID, Package[][]& groupedPackages)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
You are trying to create a new transaction containing data that does not match our requirements.
The data or file is in the wrong format.
Delete the file from the FTP, then resubmit with the correct format. If the error continues, email edi@extensiv.com.
Error Message 4
Login failed : Ftp.Connect failed, error value: 12031 - The connection with the server has been reset.
We are unable to connect to the FTP listed.
Our server is unable to connect to the FTP.
Verify FTP setup to ensure correct URL, username, and password. You can try to connect to the FTP via your web browser by using the following URL format: ftp://user:password@ftpserver.
Error Message 5
FileName - 2280; Error - System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Exception: No Item with sku: 'NCLNY24 ANTGLS110' found. Customer 25
at ViaSub.WMS.WebServiceTier.OrderMethods.ValidateOrderItems(XmlDocument oiDoc, Hashtable skus, Boolean determineAvailability, Int32 customerID)
at ViaSub.WMS.WebServiceTier.OrderMethods.ValidateOrderItemDocs(XmlDocument[] oiDocs, Hashtable skusRcvs, Boolean determineAvailability, Int32 customerID)
at ViaSub.WMS.WebServiceTier.Service.InternalParseAndValidateOrdersFromString(UserLoginData userLoginData, Int32 customerID, Int32 facilityID, Int32 moduleID, String docIn, Boolean determineAvailability)
at ViaSub.WMS.WebServiceTier.Service.CreateOrderObjectsFromString(UserLoginData userLoginData, Int32 defaultCustomerID, Int32 facilityID, Int32 orderFtpID, String defaultDocIn, Int32& moduleID, Package[][]& groupedPackages)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
You are trying to create a new transaction with a SKU value that does not exist.
The transaction is calling for a SKU that does not already exist. This is often caused when orders or receipts are sent for new SKUs.
Delete the file from the FTP, then resubmit it with the correct SKU value if submitted in error or create the new items in 3PL Warehouse Manager.
Error Message 6
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> ViaSub.WMS.SharedClasses.DuplicateRefNumException: Attempted to create a new transaction with a Reference #:XXXYYYZZZ that already exists. Please change the Reference # and try again. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.WarehouseTransaction' with unique index 'u_refnum_custid'. The duplicate key value is (XXYYZZ, 12, 1). The statement has been terminated.
at System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.UpdatedRowStatusErrors(RowUpdatedEventArgs rowUpdatedEvent, BatchCommandInfo[] batchCommands, Int32 commandCount)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
You are trying to create a new transaction with a reference number that already exists for the customer.
Reference numbers must be unique. The file is trying to create a new transaction using a reference number that already exists. This is often caused when old files are not removed from the FTP site or when the customer submits the same transaction multiple times by mistake.
Delete the file from the FTP, then resubmit with the correct reference number value if submitted in error. Alternatively, cancel the transaction in 3PL Warehouse Manager that contains the duplicate reference number, and the file will upload during the next cycle.