Navigating the Small Parcel Homepage
The Small Parcel space is the central point of small parcel processing in 3PL Warehouse Manager, allowing you to prepare and process your orders for shipment with a streamlined SmartParcel–SmartPack experience.
This article reviews how to navigate the Small Parcel homepage.
To access the Small Parcel space, open the Spaces menu located in the top-right corner of the side navigation menu, then click Small Parcel.

If you have open WMS tabs, a warning message displays asking you to confirm that you wish to close your WMS tabs and navigate to the Small Parcel space.
Organize your data
Search filters
In the left pane, you can find search filters that correspond with those you find on the Find Orders page and are used to organize your data set based on your current workflow.

Since the nature of your orders determine whether you will pack using SmartPack or an automatic packing method, it's important to understand your current workflow. This allows you to search for the relevant orders and properly determine your packing needs before you move forward with processing your orders.
As with other grid pages in 3PL Warehouse Manager, you also have the following options:
- Sort the search filter containers to your preference by dragging and dropping from the top-left corner of each container
- Collapse the search filter containers that you don't use by clicking the collapse icon in the top-right corner of each container
- Remove applied search filters by clicking Clear
- Save your currently applied search filters by clicking Save View
- Collapse all search filters to maximize the grid view by clicking the collapse icon in the top-right corner of the left pane
Data grid
In the main pane, you can find your Small Parcel data grid, which displays all Complete orders that match the applied search filters.

The same grid manipulation functionalities that exist in the WMS are also available here:
- Add or remove grid columns via Options > Columns
- Sort the grid by a specific column by selecting a column header (or multiple columns by using < Ctrl > on your keyboard when selecting)
- Sort columns by dragging and dropping to your preference
- Apply column filters by clicking the ellipsis to the right of each column header (these filters also apply to your "saved view")
- Revert grid customizations via Options > Reset Default Grid Layout, Clear Column Filters, or Clear Sort
- Export the grid data via Options > Export to Excel or Export to CSV
- View the latest data by clicking the Refresh button
Manage your orders
Once you've organized the grid and located a set of orders, you can prepare your orders for shipment and generate shipping documentation from the action options above the grid.
Smart User Tip:Â You can also access all of the options below from the context menu by right-clicking on a selected order.
Manage menu
Select one or more orders from the grid, then hover over the Manage drop-down menu to access each of the order processing options listed below.

The first five options are directly related to preparing your orders for shipment:
- Edit Shipping Info: Allows you to update carrier information and specify delivery and insurance options (also available in the WMS via the Find Orders and Edit Order pages)—to learn more, see Shipping in the Small Parcel Space
- Shop Cheapest Rate: Allows you to use rate shopping to apply the cheapest shipping rate to one or more orders (must first be configured via Small Parcel Settings)
- Consolidate Packages: Automatic packing method that places all order contents into a single package of your choice
- Recalculate Packages: Automatic packing method that places all order contents into the fewest number of packages based on your item setup
- New Package Type: Allows you to create a new package definition without having to navigate to the Manage Packaging page in the WMS
The remaining options are actions that are directly related to SmartParcel or used after you've initially generated shipping labels:
- Close Orders:Â Allows you to mark one or more orders as closed
- Print HVP Batches: If enabled for your database, allows you to print shipping labels using high-volume processing
- Reset Failed HVP: If using high-volume processing, allows you to reprocess labels if the orders are missing the relevant shipping information
- Reprint Labels:Â Allows you to reprint previously generated shipping labels in their original formats for up to 60 days after original print date
- Print Return Label: Allows you to print return labels
- Void Labels: Allows you to void active shipping labels
- Cancel and Void Labels: Cancels the selected order(s) and voids the active shipping labels
Documents menu
To access documentation options, select one or more orders from the grid, then hover over the Documents drop-down menu to access each of the options listed below.

- Order Summary:Â Opens a general summary of the order
Pick Ticket:Â Allows you to generate one of the following pick tickets:
- Pick Ticket:Â Sorts the order line items by SKU
- Pick Ticket by Location:Â Sorts the order line items by location
- Pick Ticket with Overallocated:Â Displays all items, including those that are overallocated
- Short Ship Pick Ticket:Â Only displays items in stock and available to ship
- Master Pick Ticket:Â Allows you to print a master pick ticket for orders that are associated with the same customer, facility, and batch
- Packing Slips:Â Allows you to generate packing slips
- Int'l Documents: Allows you to generate a commercial invoice for international orders
- End of Day Request: Allows you to create or reprint a manifest
- Barcode Cheat Sheet:Â Allows you to generate a barcode sheet to affix to each packing station in your facility so that packers can complete the scanning operations when packing orders with SmartPack
Process your orders
Once you've completed your preparatory work from the Small Parcel homepage, it's time to process your orders in the Pack and Ship dialog.

For detailed guidance on Pack and Ship, please see Packing in the Small Parcel Space and Shipping in the Small Parcel Space.