September 14, 2022 – Feature Release Notes
Up to 1 hour of downtime anticipated between 20:00 and 21:00 PT (23:00 and 24:00 ET)
New + Improved
WMS-22455 – Small Parcel: Added USIAH1 and USCAK1 as distribution center options for connecting a new DHL eCommerce account.
WMS-23000 – SmartScan: Added a new page to 3PL Warehouse Manager under Customers > SmartScan Label Templates, which lets you create custom ZPL templates to be used when printing movable unit (MU) labels from SmartScan. You must provide the desired ZPL code and can assign the resulting template to all customers or to a specific customer. Note that this page is currently behind a "feature flag" because the SmartScan support for custom label templates is not yet released.
WMS-23046 – Shopify Integration: Updated the integration to automatically remove non-printable (unicode) characters from incoming orders to prevent import failures. These characters shouldn't occur in a Shopify order, but this fix prevents them from causing problems.
WMS-4980 – Order Import: Resolved an issue when importing orders by file where the parser would allow order line items without a value in the Reference column, but would create them as a separate order. It was also possible to create orders without a Reference ID, which would cause the system to auto-generate a Reference ID using a date/time value. Now the system returns an error indicating that the Reference ID field must be provided for all rows in the import file.
WMS-19902 – Small Parcel: Addressed an issue where selecting a custom dimension package caused the system to not auto-focus on the Pack a Line Item field as expected.
WMS-23063 – Charge Adjustments (BETA): Corrected an issue where you could not backdate a charge.
WMS-23064 – Adjust Inventory (BETA): Resolved the following issues in the Create Inventory Adjustment dialog:
- Fixed the Qualifier field so it displays only when the selected item has a qualifier.
- Fixed the SKU field to prevent it from clearing the selected value when you select a SKU from a filtered list (by typing the first few characters of a SKU value).
- When reducing inventory, modified the track-by fields so they are never treated as required fields. These fields are optional to allow you to filter the list of receiveitems displayed in the Select Receive Item dialog.
WMS-23076 – Adjust Inventory (BETA): Addressed an issue when adding inventory where selecting "System-Assigned" to generate new MU labels would not properly assign a system-generated MU ID.
WMS-23326 – SmartScan Move: Corrected an issue when using Move Items where providing a "source MU" filter did not properly filter the resulting list of receiveitems.
WMS-23370 – Create/Edit Order: Resolved an issue in the Edit Allocations dialog where notices displayed above the grid were overwriting other text displayed in the same area.
WMS-23407 – Small Parcel: Addressed an issue where the "Auto-Rate Shop on SP Ship" setting was causing a "No Rate" error for any warning triggered while rate shopping—thus preventing rate shopping from working.