Resolving an Order in Missing Product Information Status
Orders in Missing Product Info status mean one of two things:
- The listing SKU for the channel is not tied to the product in Extensiv Network Manager, or
- The product does not exist in Extensiv Network Manager.
If you are missing multiple products on the orders in Missing Product Info status, best practice would be to import those products via the Product Spreadsheet bulk upload. Once these products are created in Extensiv Network Manager, the orders will resolve themselves and move into the next status.
If there are only a few missing products on the orders, follow the steps below to resolve:
- Select the order.
- Click on the link (Not found! Click to resolve.) next to Master SKU.
- Select Yes - Find Existing Product and press Save if there is an existing product in Network Manager.
If there is no existing product. select No - Create New Product.
Name, Brand, and Master SKU are required to create a product.