May 26, 2021 – Feature Release Notes
Up to 1 hour of downtime between 20:00 and 21:00 PT (23:00 and 24:00 ET)
New + Improved
WMS-15681 – SmartScan: Added a customer setting to display the Weight field in the Receipts module, which can be turned on in the WMS under Customers > Manage Customers. The weight field will display only for those customers where this setting is enabled.
WMS-16897 – Small Parcel Suite: Added Canpar as a carrier option for rate shopping. This update was made only on the Small Parcel Settings page because the existing Manage Carrier Accounts page in the WMS will soon be deprecated and replaced by this page. Note that updates made to SmartParcel settings using the new Settings page will apply to both Small Parcel Suite and classic SmartParcel, if supported.
WMS-17176 – Manage Attached Files: Added a message to this page informing users that it will be removed from the system on 10 June 2021. All functionality provided by this page will be available elsewhere in the WMS by the time this page is removed.
WMS-17198 – Classic SmartParcel/SmartPack: Added a reminder message to both classic pages indicating that they will be removed from 3PL Warehouse Manager on 30 July 2021.
WMS-17136 – Small Parcel Suite: Resolved an issue when using a scale to weigh packages where splitting the pack of a line item could cause an error when clicking the Pack and Ship button.
WMS-17163 – Create/Edit Receipts: Addressed an issue with the receipt line item grid where the grid customizations were not being preserved.
WMS-17196 – Small Parcel Suite: Corrected an issue with the HID device detection used to identify scales that can be used for small parcel shipping, which prevented the display of certain types of scales.
WMS-17199 – Create/Edit Orders and Receipts: Resolved an issue where scrolling could fail to work properly on these pages with multiple tabs open in 3PL Warehouse Manager.
WMS-17233 – SmartScan: Addressed an issue related to shared scanners where the second user to log in to a device could receive a TPL GUID error upon logging in.
WMS-17256 – Manage Items: Corrected an issue when batch-updating items, in which it was possible to assign the same primary UPC to multiple items for the same customer. SKUs and UPCs must be unique for a given customer.