October 14, 2020 – Minor Release Notes
30 minutes of downtime anticipated between 21:00 and 22:00 MDT
New + Improved
WMS-11517 – Manage Inventory: Updated the Manage Inventory page to reflect filtered grid content based on the warehouses which you are assigned.
WMS-13491 – SmartParcel: Enhanced small parcel processing logic to check for order line items that are not fully packed in packages, which could prevent users from generating ASNs for a small parcel shipment. If an order line item has an item quantity > 0, SmartParcel now requires the full quantity to be packed prior to generating shipping labels.
WMS-14119 – Items: Updated the system to remove leading or trailing spaces, tabs, and line breaks at the beginning or end of a SKU or alias name without throwing an error message. This helps prevent errors when these extra spaces are entered unintentionally.
WMS-14290 – Settings: Added a safety precaution to ensure customer users cannot access the Settings page even if the 'Manage 3PL Info' permission is assigned to their user role.
WMS-4237 – SmartPack: Resolved an issue when packing an order, in which capturing serial numbers would cause the pack to fail when more than two order lines were for the same SKU.
WMS-9479 – Find Orders: Corrected an issue when editing a Master BOL for a large number of transactions, in which the screen would go blank.
WMS-9553 – Find Orders: Addressed an issue where the line breaks on the Edit BOL page were not displaying as entered in the Carrier Instructions field of the order.
WMS-11010 – Find Orders: Resolved an issue where not all current batches were being displayed in the 'Choose a Batch' drop-down list.
WMS-11326 – SmartParcel: Corrected an issue when sending packages to US territories, in which the customs information was not being sent if the US territory shipment was specified as domestic instead of international. Note that it is important to understand that particular service levels are required when shipping internationally, and these services can vary among different shipping carriers.
WMS-11937 – Create/Edit Receipt: Addressed an issue where manual charges in the Receipt Charges section were disappearing upon saving the receipt.
WMS-12546 – Adjust Inventory: Resolved an issue where the system would clear SKUs from the grid when inventory was being added to a location that does not exist.
WMS-12791 – Customer Notifies: Corrected an issue where changes made to the customer template were not being honored in customer notifications.
WMS-13463 – WooCommerce API: Addressed an issue with WooCommerce connections where inventory sync was ignoring items with zero units available, causing items to improperly display as available in WooCommerce.
WMS-13952 – Manage Customers: Resolved an issue where you could enable the "Scanner Application – Reallocate at pick time" customer setting even if its associated 3PL setting was disabled. Now, when "Reallocate at Pick Time" is disabled via Admin > Settings, the associated customer setting will be disabled so it cannot be improperly selected. As part of this fix, we have reviewed all instances of the customer setting to make sure it is consistent with the 3PL setting.
WMS-14200 – SmartParcel: Corrected an issue related to Canada Post where you could not generate labels for orders that contained a Retailer ID. Retailer IDs attribute a custom return address (Ship From) to the order, and since Canada Post doesn't support custom return address values, SmartParcel would return an error. We fixed this problem by ensuring that SmartParcel excludes return address data from the payload sent to ShipEngine for Canada Post labels.
WMS-14227 – SmartParcel: Addressed an issue that prevented printing of DHL labels if the customer had a custom return label (Ship From) configured. DHL doesn't support custom return labels, so sending that data in the label request was causing an error.
WMS-14433 – SmartParcel: Resolved an issue where trying to reprint a PDF return label could sometimes return a blank PDF.
WMS-14448 – SmartParcel: Corrected an issue when generating Canada Post shipping labels where the label would fail if the customer settings specified a return address (Ship From) override, or if the order had an assigned Retailer ID, which also instructs SmartParcel to override the Ship From address. Canada Post does not support Ship From overrides, so sending that data was causing an error when attempting to generate a shipping label.